SIEMENSSTADT ² BERLIN — O&O Baukunst has won the international competition for the redesign of Siemensstadt Berlin. Together with the capattistaubach landscape architects, an urban development master plan for the traditional location in Siemensstadt has been drafted.
The new Siemensstadt² district is being built on the large, monothematic fields of the first industrial settlement in Berlin-Spandau (Siemensstadt Square). New ways of life, working platforms, educational worlds, trade, and culture are brought together on 70 hectares and one million square metres of floor space. The multi-storey factory high-rise designed by Hans Hertlein, together with 12 newly planned 60-metre-high buildings, has developed its own spatial and urban reference system.
The master plan for Siemensstadt² in Berlin-Spandau is an integral general plan that incorporates architecture, urban development, open space and climate planning, rainwater management, energy technology, and mobility—all with the exemplary goal of attaining a CO2-free city.