VOLKSHAUSGARTEN LEIPZIG // Exhibition of award winners - 08.02.2022
Our proposal for the Quartier Neuer Arbeit in Leipzig, developed as part of a consortium of experts on urban development, was given top honours by a jury.
Tying into the trade union traditions of the Volkshaus, built in 1905, the Volkshausgarten grounds are to be developed into a “New Work Quarter”.
With an urban mix of future-oriented lifestyles and socially subsidized apartments, office and conference rooms, co-working spaces, shops, restaurants, and a day care, O&O Baukunst’s design demonstrates how new working and living environments can meet the changing needs of advancing digitalisation, increased flexibility, and growing calls for autonomy and self-determination at work.
The award-winning designs will be presented from 8–19 February 2022 at the Baumwollspinnerei Leipzig.