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    HANSJÖRG SCHNEIDER · On Grid // Opening at O&O Depot - 09.09.2021

    On Grid

    (...) The exhibition “on grid” reflects on the ubiquity of networks and grids. We encounter grids and networks in material and immaterial form, visible and invisible. Here, cut out and glued on, they project from the supporting surface. Solid forms become liquid; the wet glue subjects them to a continuous process of transformation. The structure of the grids suddenly seems fragile and susceptible to interference. An unexpectedly dynamic rhythm develops from the deviations from norm and rule. (...)

    Thursday, September 9 from 6 to 9 pm
    Opening speech by Wilhelm von Werthern at 7 p.m.

    Until 04.11. 2021 // Thursdays 3 to 6 p.m.
    and by appointment


    Image: Deviation, 2020, paper cut, collage, ink, 211 x 254 cm / © Hansjörg Schneider, 2021

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