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    GLORIA & LIVING ISAR in der da! Ausstellung // ARCHITEKTUR IN UND AUS BERLIN - 17.03.2023

    GLORIA & LIVING ISAR at da! Exhibition // ARCHITECTURE IN AND FROM BERLIN — 17.03.2023

    Every year, the Berlin Chamber of Architects presents exemplary buildings in the exhibition da! Architecture in and from Berlin. Two projects by O&O Baukunst are featured:

    Opening Friday, 17 March 2023, 7 p.m. // Living Berlin // Kantstraße 17, 10623 Berlin

    The selected projects will be published in the ARCHITEKTUR BERLIN | BUILDING BERLIN 12 yearbook.

    More information about the exhibited projects can be found here: https://www.ak-berlin.de/baukultur/da-architektur-in-und-aus-berlin/projekte-da-2023.html

    Exhibition from 18 March to 15 April 2023 // Mon to Sat 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. // Registration: www.ak-berlin.de/da-ausstellung

    Photo Gloria: Schnepp Renou

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